Arc Sterile US Patent nº 10,231,892

Arc Sterile

Is a new foldable concept for the operating theater. It is fitted with a sterile orientated horizontal laminated flow for use in surgical operations of: the head, the trunk (chest and abdomen), genito urinary tract, infiltrations and the upper and lower extremities

What is it useful for, and what are its strong points?

Ensures a higher quality of the surgical interventions carried out in traditional operating theaters, reducing the number of surgical infections in interventions taking more than one hour, and in interventions which require the highest sterilization level due to the significant risk of infection, and even mortality: neurological, and oncologic operations, transplants, and in neonatology and immunosupression.

Makes fully operative surgical rooms (pre-surgeries and clean rooms) so they can be used for minor interventions and Major Surgery in mobile surgery units.

The advantages of Arcsterile


Choosing the right width

Depending on the function of the personnel and equipment necessary for the intervention, there are three different models:

  • MB20 – 2 meters: small procedures: IVT Intravenous thrombolysis, infiltrations.
  • MB25 – 2,5 meters: intervention by one sole surgeon.
  • MB30 – 3 meters: intervention with material and more than one surgeon.

Choosing the length (and depth)

3 different lengths:

  • M2 – arc of base + side closure
  • M2c – Arc of base + careened + closure module. Bettering the air quality with respect to current norms and creating positive pressure, as necessary depending on the type of intervention.

Technical characteristics

Maximum air purity

ArcSterile: total laminated horizontal flow in a static situation. The other cabins generate turbulences and air impurities.

  • Laminated flow: drags down microscopic particles from high and generates air turbulences in the area below the microscope.
  • Horizontal and frontal flow: promotes a 180º buckle and generates turbulences on contact with the microscope.

Elimination of turbulences / orientated flow

The source of the air flow describes an arc parallel to the surgical area, and is a new advance is that it commutes the air flow depending on the zone of the intervention, be it from the right or left, and eliminates any turbulence.

PC and I.T. system compatible with the ArcSterile software

Air Pressure and velocity measurements may be taken during the intervention.

Adjustable flow velocity in modules

From 20 to 50 cm/sec.
Depends on the necessity of each intervention.

Adds in a positioning system for a double reference

Laser lines that define the area of maximum performance; all this facilitates the diligent positioning of the stretcher wheels.

Quick and easy assembly

  • Gives equipment for new operating theaters.
  • Room for different functions and uses.
    • Set up and taken down in seconds.
    • Concepción of greater flexibility in use and functions of hospital spaces.


Seeks to obtain correct position of the patient.
Easy to handle and maneuver.

Monitor screen

Visualizes diagnosis tests: Radiographs, OCT, surgeries, radiography (x-rays).

Double USB connection

Saves recorded images, displays them on screen, and records procedures.

Reconverts the operating theater

Complex surgical operations, susceptible to infection (example: organ transplants).

Timer and stop-watch

Measurement of time of intervention, anesthesia time.

Uninterrupted feed system: UFS

Duration: 20 minutes of autonomy.

Closure module (optional)

To activate the positive pressure function in those procedures which require it.

Compatible with microscopes

The careening of the UNIVERSAL microscope and the porous micro-lined material prevent air turbulence.

Video camera (optional)

This allows the recording of surgical procedures and that they be recorded and saved on your PC.


  • Height: 2m
  • Width: depends on the modules
  • Depth: 0.8m (folded) // 1.55m (unfolded)
  • Length: depends on the model

BT 38 (optional)

Electrical system meeting the standards of Good Surgical Practice and Regulations.
Includes an insulated system of 8 sockets, transformer and insulation monitor.
UFS of 120 minutes for the ArcSterile when working and an additional 400W.

Suelo conductivo (opcional)

  • Conductive floor 3.5 x 2m
  • Conductive floor 3.5 x 4m (for the ArcSterile closure module)

Arc Sterile US Patent nº 10,231,892

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